I am using this blogging site to keep friends and family informed about my life for the next 7 months or so of blindness training at the Colorado Center for the Blind. I have Usher's syndrome which results in hearing loss and progressive vision loss. Now the state of Colorado is paying for me to go through an extensive training program. There will be lots of challenges ahead for me and I am both apprehensive and excited!!!! The training consist of being blindfolded 8 hours a day 5 days a week and learning how to function completely without sight.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Yikes what a day

Today was just bad. My sense of direction was way way off. It seemed that I would automatically gravitate to a corner and get stuck. If the door was right in front of me it would purposely move over so I'd bump into a corner and get stuck. It seemed I would hit every crack outside and just mad a mess out of my walking.

I had to cross my first intersection and lets just say that it's hard to go in a straight line when you can't see what you are looking at. I had to learn to wait and listen to traffic and what direction it was coming from. My hearing impairment makes this difficult. Bu I was still able to do it. The first crossing veered way off about 10-15 feet or so and I had to trace my way back to the sidewalk curb. The second crossing was close to perfect. This time I was told to listen to where the cars were going and aim for it. I felt like I was walking into the middle of the 4 way intersection but instead ended up where I was supposed to go. Interesting how that trick works out. I do not look forward to real bust intersections that are not residential. Uggg!!!

I spent some time thinking too much today about what I am facing. I really really do not want to go blind and yet I have no choice in the matter. I was told to think about how my blindness is an asset in the field I want to pursue. My thought is that my blindness is no ant asset in the science field. It's only a liability. It's so frustrating b/c not only did I pick a hard field to go into but I'm doing it blind (and at some point I may be totally blind). It's all very overwhelming!!!

They say it gets easier after a few months of this. I sure hope so b/c I am really having a hard time facing my looming reality and accepting this.

1 comment:

  1. Very proud of you. You have such a strong sense of yourself and tenacity that I know you will get through all this. Just remember, do NOT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING other than what you deserve. You are NOT a bad person. Love you kiddo. Amanda
