I am using this blogging site to keep friends and family informed about my life for the next 7 months or so of blindness training at the Colorado Center for the Blind. I have Usher's syndrome which results in hearing loss and progressive vision loss. Now the state of Colorado is paying for me to go through an extensive training program. There will be lots of challenges ahead for me and I am both apprehensive and excited!!!! The training consist of being blindfolded 8 hours a day 5 days a week and learning how to function completely without sight.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Amazing People

We said goodbye to my tech instructor yesterday. It was sad for me b/c I really enjoyed her and formed a friendship with her. She left to pursue other interest. I am amazed by her story. She is so incredibly smart and spent her life learning to overcome blindness as well as Cerebral palsy. She uses a wheelchair and a cane to navigate with. I really learned to put aside my preconceived notions about CP and about wheelchairs. It's interesting how we can have a disability and find ourselves almost doing to other disabilities what we can't stand people doing to ours. Judging, forming biased opinions, and such. Prejudices are prevalent in even the groups of people who experience it regularly. It is not just an issue that "normal" individuals have. Jen was definitely an inspiration to me. She has overcome so much and is wicked smart. She knew all the math stuff and could talk "shop" with me. She was such a techie, and she was fun. I will definitely miss her and wish her the best.

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