I am using this blogging site to keep friends and family informed about my life for the next 7 months or so of blindness training at the Colorado Center for the Blind. I have Usher's syndrome which results in hearing loss and progressive vision loss. Now the state of Colorado is paying for me to go through an extensive training program. There will be lots of challenges ahead for me and I am both apprehensive and excited!!!! The training consist of being blindfolded 8 hours a day 5 days a week and learning how to function completely without sight.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Field test image

I thought I'd post what my visual field looks like so you could have an idea how a high field loss shows up on scans. They flash lights and you indicate when you detect the lights. This maps out where regions of blindness are located...you'll notice different shades of grey, black, etc. This represents how much light you can detect in that region. It shows up darker if you need more intense light to detect it. Included is a pic of a more normal field test as well for you to see a comparison. There is a dark spot that shows up in everyones field test...it is where the blind spot is located (where ht optic nerve is located). It is normal to have that dark region. For me though it seems like one giant blind spot everywhere.

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