I am using this blogging site to keep friends and family informed about my life for the next 7 months or so of blindness training at the Colorado Center for the Blind. I have Usher's syndrome which results in hearing loss and progressive vision loss. Now the state of Colorado is paying for me to go through an extensive training program. There will be lots of challenges ahead for me and I am both apprehensive and excited!!!! The training consist of being blindfolded 8 hours a day 5 days a week and learning how to function completely without sight.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I have to laugh

I am going to laugh at myself about this. I was commenting to a friend of mine that I thought it was funny how when my blind friend was talking with someone at church on Sunday there was a lot of head nodding motions by the sighted person. My blind friend could not see them. Then I caught myself doing the same thing. Not only that but I was under sleep shades myself. LIKE DUH!!! Actually this has happened a number of times. I raised my hand once and realized that wouldn't work so I just called out my name like we are supposed to. Then once I asked a guy that has been total a majority of his life "Why does your cane have blue on top and the others have green." He was like "huh. I just have whatever cane they give me. Who cares about color." Dumb question!!! Well if we can't laugh at ourselves then what can we do.

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